Interpersonal Effectiveness Articles

A Borderlines Guide To The FAST Skill

A Borderlines Guide To The FAST Skill

Holding on to your self-respect as BPD is hard. I don’t feel great very often. My self-worth is low, and I think others view me how I view myself. That means I tend to put myself down when I communicate with others. I don’t have much respect for myself. Well, that’s...

10 DBT Fast Skill Activities To Try In Therapy

10 DBT Fast Skill Activities To Try In Therapy

The FAST skill reminds us to maintain our self-respect when asking for something.  F = Being fair to ourselves and other people. A = Not apologising or over-apologising. S = Sticking to our values and beliefs. T = Telling the truth. It can be challenging to practice...

40 Ways to Use The FAST Skill

40 Ways to Use The FAST Skill

The FAST skills help us remember the need to hold onto self-respect.  F = Being fair to ourselves and other people. A = Not apologising or over-apologising. S = Sticking to our values and beliefs. T = Telling the truth. If you're looking for ways to practice the FAST...

The DBT GIVE Skill: How To Hold On To Friends

The DBT GIVE Skill: How To Hold On To Friends

Have you noticed that as you go through life, it's harder to get and keep close friends? [1] It turns out that saying and doing nice things—(thanks, Mom)—actually works. That's not to say that you don't do that as you get older; I just think we find it harder. ...

DEAR MAN: Ask For What You Want Effectively

DEAR MAN: Ask For What You Want Effectively

Think back to the last time you asked someone to do something for you. “I asked someone to cut my toenails, but they said take a long walk off a short pier. How rude of that stranger in the street to reply like that”.  I’m not surprised they declined. What I mean...