Mental Health




Mental Healthness

a woman humming to herself outside with earbuds in her ears

All too often we hear about mental health in a negative light. We hear: “I don’t have mental health” or “He must suffer with his nerves”.

We don’t hear about the person who struggled with depression all their life finally finding some light.

We don’t hear about the person who attempted suicide finding comfort and solace from the noises in their head.

We don’t hear about what they did to change how they felt.

We’re not educated in how they did it.

Popart image of a woman smiling

The Problem

In school, we’re taught maths, geography, history.

We’re even taught how to balance a chequebook. Seriously.

No one explains what healthy mental health is.

No one explains how to deal with overwhelming emotions, what depression is, how to cope with anxiety, or what mental illness looks like.

How This Website Helps You

This is a space where you learn about getting and maintaining a healthy mental health.

This website provides a toolkit on how to care for yourself and teaches you what you need to know to be a healthy and happy human being.

My Mission and Promise To You

To share information about how to help yourself become mentally fit and strong

A traditional wooden toolbox with various tools inside and outside.

Start Here

Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a type of talk therapy that teaches you how to manage your emotions, improve relationships, and reduce self-destructive behaviours. It also helps you to accept who you are.

This group of guides leads you through the major parts of DBT. Each guide includes a description of a skill you can learn.

Most guides also give examples and lessons to apply in your own life.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy

How To Tolerate Distress

We all face distress in our life.

Most of the time, we can’t just run away from it, so we have to tolerate it.

Distress Tolerance teaches you how to tolerate a difficult situation while not making the situation worse.

Each lesson describes a skill you can implement today as well as examples on how to do that.

Distress Tolerance

Interpersonal Effectiveness

How To Have Better Relationships

Making friends and keeping them is one of the more challenging parts of life.

This selection of guides helps you make, keep, and improve your relationships.

They teach you to communicate assertively, maintain your relationships, and increase your self-respect.

Interpersonal Effectiveness

How To Regulate Your Emotions

Our emotions can be like waves most of the time. Up and down.

With these guides, you can learn to observe your emotions, understand why you feel the way you do, and gain some control over your reactions.

They focus on reducing your vulnerability and building a more stable emotional experience.

Emotion Regulation